
Our Travel Poem

Our wonderful Auntie Jane has written this lovely poem for us as we head off on our adventures:

The Padster and the Beautiful Girl
Are soon to leave to see the world.
Bags are packed, plans are made,
Now just a wait till leaving day.
So many wonders lie ahead,
So choose a path, see where you’re lead.

But if one day, as you travel,
A well thought plan starts to unravel,
Remember how you planned your trip,
Together, I believe, bit by bit.
A year or so went in to it’s making
So, “together”, you see, will stop it breaking.

If after a day with a plane delay
Or hot thirsty journeys where tempers fray,
A beer together, gulped or sipped,
Will smooth out bumps in a rough bus trip.
When boots rub aching, blistered feet,
Together is better when you find a seat.

When mountains and glaciers provide the view,
It’s much more beautiful shared by two,
When a forest and a river are what you see,
It’s cooler and fresher as us or we.
If a harbor is arched by a beautiful bridge,
Then two should cross and look over it’s edge.

When an ocean touches a beach that runs for miles,
It should be walked hand in hand with laughs and smiles.
When the sky sparkles with infinite stars,
It should be gazed at together, as always ours.
Together you’ll leave and go far away,
Together will bring you home again.

Jane Lees



Sarah has a thing for maps, so one of her favourite holiday pass-times is exploring a new city. Give her food and beer (and a map) and she'll be happy.

Random Acts of Kindness While On the Road

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