Baxster Inn, Sydney

Wet Your Whistle in Sydney – Our Favourite Bars

When you visit Sydney, Australia, what are the first things that come to mind? The Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge, obviously. Like everybody else, we spend time exploring these beautiful locations, as well as taking in the breathtaking Blue Mountains, going to watch the Sydney Kings lose at home and even riding a 4 wheeled, 4 seated bike around the Centennial Park.

But the thing that ate up (or drank up?) most of our time in Sydney was exploring the lively scene of themed bars and speak-easy cocktail clubs.


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Get from Santiago Airport to Valparaiso, Chile

When we were looking to head straight from Santiago’s Arturo Merino Benítez Airport to Valparaiso, we couldn’t find any good resources, so after we made the journey ourselves we decided to share our route. It’s really easy!

2018 UPDATE: Tara has commented (below) to let us know that costs have changed slightly. “The cost has increased a little bit stage 1: C$1,800 and stage 2: C$3,300 (May 2018)”. Thanks, Tara!


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Random Acts of Kindness While On the Road

As we get nearer to Christmas, it’s easy to reflect on all that’s happened in 2016 and get a little bit down about the state of things. That’s why I found it quite refreshing when saw on a couple of FB groups threads from seasoned travellers who have experienced a random act of kindness they’ve experienced whilst on the road.

It’s important to remember the little things, particularly after the last year, and especially at Christmas time.  Enjoy!


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